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What about the issue of money in politics? How can you possibly compete with the Democratic or Republican machines?


The power and influence of money in politics is indeed a big issue, and one of the major drivers of our current troubles. And while we do encourage efforts for reform in this field, it’s not a problem that can be solved easily, and it’s crucial for our party to plan to compete strategically within the current system.

That means, first of all, knowing where to aim and when. Our emphasis on building up through local leadership is a major facet of our grassroots philosophy, which also means that many of the early races we face will have a lower  monetary barrier. Rather than start by aiming at the presidency as many third-party efforts do (and Forward has no intention of running a candidate in 2024), we want to focus on building up credibility first.

We also intend to take strategic advantage of many of the non-monetary resources available to us, and there are quite a few. Our prominent ambassadors give us a strong head start as far as social media presence and visibility, compared to most any new party effort. The rapid, recent rise of independent media channels gives us a tremendous avenue to share out our ideas and our duopoly-breaking spirit. And the toxic brand and dismal popularity of our major parties is one thing that no amount of money can cover up.

Finally, it’s worth noting here that we take our fundraising apparatus seriously, and we do appreciate all of the support we can get. If you'd like to be a part of the Forward movement, please consider making a donation today. 

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  • David Sosa
    published this page in FAQ 2023-02-16 15:40:16 -0500