How is Forward different from other third party efforts? Why should we believe that it’s going to succeed?
More than any previous new party effort, Forward embraces an independent ethos, and a focus on empowering voters through empowering candidates. We don't tell those who fly our banner what to believe or how to think, because we wouldn't want to be told that ourselves. Different ideas, perspectives, and voices, are all welcome, so long as we hold to the shared vision of a problem-solving apparatus that works.
And the practical outcome of that? We can appeal to the largest and fastest-growing voting bloc in our nation, engaging millions of voices sick of the absurdity of our modern politics. We can even reach longtime partisans, by offering a home for their voices and a way to work towards real and lasting solutions.
Through this wide appeal and a strategic, practical mindset, we can carve viable pathways to political success.